Cash Out Payments from Nuffnang!

Yer..hari ni… tepat kul 1.40 ptg tadi.. aku telah mengeluarkan duit aku kat Nuffnang…

Dah tinggal RM0.00 dah…huhuhu…

Nampaknya nak kene mula balik mengumpu pendapatan..huhuhuhu


so..kene tunggu 30 hari tuk sampai check..hehehe seperti yg tertera di bawah :-


Your earnings request has been successfully submitted. Please allow 30 days from the end of the month for your payment to be processed and sent ( 60-days for non-Glitterati members ). You will receive an email when your cashout has been processed. If you do not get your cheque within one month after receiving that confirmation email, kindly notify us, as cheques are only valid up to six months.

Maka, selepas 30 hari..kita tgk..adakah cheque itu akan sampai tepat waktunya @ lambat?? hehehehe….

Amountnya baper?? hehehe… adalah…

Jadi, aku perlu menuggu dengan penuh kesabaran……….. 🙂

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  1. alang says:

    err, taktau la dah tahu ke belum. Just nak maklum.

    Sebab cash out 9 hb 1, so, awal bulan 2 ni baru start kemas kini akaun. Then awal bulan 3 baru akan dapat check. 😉

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