Yehaaaa.seperti yg di nanti..aku mendapat jemputan ke Astro B.yond hari ini…
Pada Blogger lain yg pergi…jumpa di sana!
Dear Nuffnanger,
You’re cordially invited to the Astro B.yond Bloggers Night happening on;
Date : 13 January 2010 (Wednesday)
Time : 7.30pm till 10.30pm
Venue : Modesto’s, Desa Sri Hartamas
Refreshments will be provided
As this is an exclusive event, kindly note that the invite is only for ONE (1). We’re sorry to inform that we won’t be able to accommodate any guests for this event. After all, one of the attendees will walk home with a 32″ HD TV from LG along with 1 year subscription of Astro B.yond and we certainly do not want extra competition by increasing the headcount, right?
Kindly confirm your attendance by writing an email to telling us you’re attending the event by 12pm, 8 January (Fri). Failure to confirm your attendance in time will result in your invite being revoked and passed to other bloggers who did not make it into the initial list.
We look forward to have you join us in the Astro B.yond Bloggers Night.
See you next Wednesday!
Blogger Relations Department
Nuffnang Sdn Bhd

hehe… ak leh invitation yg nie dan samsung corby, yg nie ak xleh g sbb ak de kelas.. hari sabtu nie ak g.. hehe… ada game kat sana
@diden [+],
oh…x dtg la malam nie??
samsung corby tu macam nak bila melibatkan task…mcm susah sikit la..hehehe
congrate. hopefully dapat la menang TV 32″ tue .. gud luck yea
.-= kambingbujang´s last blog ..Motherhood without the Stretch Mark =-.
hahaha…kalu la dapat…ishk…x yah beli tv baru…
kalu ada peluang…ramai tau blogger turun..tkt x berpeluang jer..hehehe
akak, saya dapat tapi tak tau nak pegi cmna…hubby ada event ofis dia pulak..tak pat ngantar…
ala…jom la Nizaa…
drive ler…kak sumi pun g sendiri hehehehe
@sumijelly, ingat nak drive tapi tak tau jalan ar…nak ikut vontot keta kak sumi bley tak? hehe…kak sumi sempat ke nk pegi lepas balik keja?
.-= Kancilbiru´s last blog ..Sekitar 7th IID 2010 di UiTM =-.
kenapa saya xpernah dpt eh.
.-= FARAHANNYSA´s last blog ..Jom share rahsia jahat anda masa sekolah. =-.
cuba rajin2 msk blog nufnang…kalu ada yg nuffnang suh buat peraduan, sertai la..baru leh di jemput
enjoy the night :)..jangan lupa solat maghrib dulu 😀
.-= lily lotus´s last blog’s night =-.
@lily lotus,
tu arr…skrg ni pun kat umah..pas maghrib baru bertolak..hehehe.
Harap sempat sampai…
nak masuk contest ni tapi pikir tak tau jln dan takde transport, tak jadi hehe.. have fun kak sumi! btw, kak sumi leh send tak contact number? sebab hp org lag satu tu bengong sket..
.-= Afra Yuri´s last blog ..Sah? Sah! =-.
@Afra Yuri, ker?? hehehe…kalu tidak leh ketemu…
nanti kak sumi SMS yek…sebaik hp bengong…jgn tuan dia sudah la..hahahaha
kak sumi,see u there….
@byzura razali,
K, byzura… jumpa di sana…