Eh… tadi bukak2 yahoo… tetiba ada kuar message
Introducing Yahoo! Mail Beta.
Now even faster, safer, and easier to use. Try it now
so..apa lagi, aku pun cuba la….
Warna biru muda kat header nya….
so apa bila telah menukar ke Yahoo Beta yang baru lagi…. jadilah ia…..
Ha… tengok….sudah bertukar menjadi biru pekat
Adalah nampak perbezaan….. tpai tak tahu la apa lagi perbezaan yang lain.. so hari ni aku memakai YAHOO BETA yang baru la….hehehe
Kat bawah ni info-info mengenai YAhoo Beta yang baru… bacalah yek.. aku copy paste dr yahoo…hehehe
Introducing Your New Inbox
It works a lot like your old inbox, but here are a few pointers:
- View or hide the Preview Pane with the Preview button.
- To see more messages at a time, or to see a larger message preview, resize the Preview Pane by dragging the bar.
See Who Else Is Online
Contacts who are online show up on the left of your Inbox.
- Click on a name to start an instant message.
- Right-click to see more options.
Add a Contact
Now it’s easier to see who’s who on your emails.
- People who aren’t in your Contacts display with a + next to the name or email address. Click the + to add them.
- Manage your contacts by clicking the Contacts tab at the top.
Search Your Inbox
With an improved Search design, it’s easier to find emails quickly.
- The Search box now appears at the top of the page.
- Narrow your results by clicking on one or more filters on the left of the Search Results view.
Attach Photos and Documents
Use the Attachments Tray:
- Click here to send photos and documents with your email.
- You can send multiple files, up to a total of 25MB.
Tips on Multitasking
- You can work on an email and check your inbox mid-thought–just click back and forth on the tabs.
- Instant message or even text someone while you’re emailing, without ever losing work.
So macam mana?? korang dah tukar belum?? tryla…. sebelum terlambat… eceh..ceh..ceh…hehehe
Tapi pas dah tukar, macam tak syok pulak… so aku tukar balik yang asal…….hahahaha. Sebaik boleh ko..
Nota kaki : Eh..jom..jom sarapan.. aku dah sarapan…

belum try lagi..jangan lambat load sudah..
rasanya taklambat kot.. laju jer…….hehehe
heheh den guna yahoo mail lama je, yg baru mcm berat 😛
Terkini :
eh..tak berat la..rasnaya yang lama lagi berat kotttt…..huhuhu
ooo yg ni, bukan dah lama ke bende ni 😛
eh..bukan.. ni VERSI lagi baru la….huhuhuhu
rajin btul ko buat entry ni. nice!
hahaha…….kebetulan aku bukak yahoo sih try mail baru… aku pun cuba la…
tapi rasanya mcm tak best jer yg baru….hahaha
Sy dah pernah try guna sebelum ni. Berat.. Lambat load. So, pakai yg lama balik. Hihi~
@Fathiha Zainal,
ye ker berat??
mungkin guna internet opis laju kot…tp mcm tak best la.. sbb tak leh preview emel kat depan..kene klik tajuk baru kuar…huhuhu
Yup2. Tak best sbb takleh preview emel. Tu laa.. Sy bukak guna internet umah. Tu yg lambat load kot. Hihi..
Fathiha cmne nk tukar emel baru ni ke emel lama….
bgtau cara nye..coz emel bru ni xleh buka klo kt kmputer lama la…if can ASAP..huhu…TQ..
x tukar lagi…
@lynn hamzah,
tak yah tukar lynn, sbb macam tak berapa best la..hehehe
saya ade je yahoomail..tapi guna untuk ym je..main email gmail je..jarang bukak yahoomail ni.hehe..
ooo….. sumi ada yahoo dn lebih suka bukak yahoo dr gmail..hehehe
sy dh tukar yg bru ni….tp cm xsyok la…nak tnya cmner ea cara nak tkr yg lma blik…huhu..pls2…
tak leh tukar yg lama…… memang kene paki yg baru..
tp elok apa pakai yg baru. cepat dn pantas tau….
mcm mana nak tukar dari yang baru kepada yang lama? sbb yang baru langsung x boleh buka dan xde paparan bila klik pada sebarang folder.